So I'm a little late on the 3 month update, but hey better late than never :) 3 months have come and gone and I can truly say that I fall more and more in love with my little angel everyday! His personality is so much fun! He is smiling all the time and learning to laugh (only small ones for now). He definitely recognizes mommy and daddy's voices. He turns his head to try and find us when we talk to him. He is doing a great job of sleeping through the night (8:30-6:30), which is amazing!! His daytime schedule has become much more routine, which also makes things easier. He takes a long morning nap, a long afternoon nap, and a short evening nap before bath and bed. He's quite a sleeper these days, still sleeping about 16 hours a day. He's still being quite opinionated about where he naps though. He will only nap in his swing or in someone's arms- let's just say he's a little extra loved :) He is holding his head up really well and loves to sit in my lap and look around. Watching him learn about his surroundings and being able to experience things through his eyes is so humbling. It really reminds me to appreciate the small things in life like seeing the sun come through the blinds in the morning and watching the way the trees blow in the wind. Right now each day brings new adventures and discoveries. Spending all day with a 3 month old sure does have a way of bringing out the kid in you again! Happy 3 months sweet boy, Mommy and Daddy love you so much!
Shopping with mommy
Making faces at himself- so cute!
Playing peek-a-boo with mommy :)
Sitting up like a big boy can be quite scary!
Naptime- I tricked him into thinking he was being held (I know, I know!)
Out to eat with mommy and daddy
Happy 3 months baby