July 30, 2011

NOT a green bean lover!!

On Thursday, I decided it was time to start some solids to go along with the cereal that Porter has fallen in LOVE with! He loves eating oatmeal and rice cereals so much that I just assumed he would really love eating vegetables also. Boy was I wrong! By the way he reacted to the taste/texture of the green beans, you would have thought I was torturing the poor boy :( He cried with almost every bite, yet continued to lean forward for more. I'm hoping his love for food will overcome his daddy's dislike of vegetables! We'll keep trying either way. The pictures didn't quite capture the moment, but here's a small glimpse...

July 28, 2011


I think sometimes family is a blessing that can easily be taken for granted. This morning I've just taken some time to reflect on all of the blessings (family members) that the Lord has placed in Porter's life to love and help care for him. He's already had such special moments with each different family. These are some of my favorite family pictures...

First snuggles with Pop pop (my dad)

Meeting Aunt Jesse and Auntie Em (my sisters) for the first time

Loving on Nonni (my mom) on his first day at home

Meeting grandpa (Sean's dad) when he was just hours old

Being spoiled by Nonni, Auntie Em, Mommy, and Aunt Jesse at two weeks old

Meeting Mimi, PawPaw, and Ciara (Sean's mom, step dad, and niece) at 5 days old

Snuggling with Mammi (my step mom) at 1 week old

Snoozin' with Papa (my step dad)

Loving on Uncle Will (my brother) at 2 days old
Porter (5 months) and Olivia (14 months) meeting for the first time (cousins)

July 27, 2011

5 fun-filled months

Yesterday we celebrated our sweet baby's 5 month birthday. It seems impossible that 5 whole months have come and gone, but the calendar insists that it has. These 5 months have been filled with challenges that we never expected, some long sleepless nights, and countless ooh's and aah's over the most adorably simple things. There's nothing in the world that I would trade any of these moments for. Every day is a new adventure and it seems like Porter learns something new each day. He is coming into such a fun age where he is enjoying playing with toys, can sit up with some help, loves eating his cereal in the morning and evening, is getting much better at tummy time, and has a laugh that will melt your heart. We love you Porter Graham!

(He loves to smile with his eyes closed :)

(Everything! goes right into his mouth)

Swim baby, swim

On Monday, Porter had his first pool experience. I was so glad my mom and brother were able to join us. I've been waiting for the perfect time all summer and this was as perfect as it was going to get. I suited Porter up in his swim diaper (which he was literally swimming in- way too big!), pool shirt, shark swimming trunks (adorable, thanks Nonni!), and hat (safari hat as Sean says). We blew up the float, packed the bag, and were ready to go. This pool experience was a little different from any I've had before. No more sunscreen, water bottle, and out the door (not a complaint though).

I don't think Porter knew what to think when he first saw the pool, he just started the whole way to the stairs. I let him feel the water and put him in his floatie, which he'll grow into maybe next summer :) He liked kicking his feet and splashing the water, but he wasn't an immediate fan. He definitely liked being held more than floating (I think we have a mama's boy on our hands and I love it!).

After an hour of swimming and very pruny little feet, we got out and dried off. He seemed to be a little happier to watch the pool from a distance. I don't think my little boy will be an avid swimmer anytime soon.

After we came back home, he finished off his day with a nice bath and snuggles with Nonni (probably his favorite part).

July 12, 2011

Another first

It's hard to believe that my tiny baby is old enough to be trying rice cereal, but it's true! My plan was to wait until he was 6 months to give him anything other than milk but he was telling us he was ready. I've been watching him for a while and he doesn't seem quite satisfied after just milk and is waking up at night hungry (which he hasn't done since 7 weeks). We figured we'd give it a try and see if he was ready for it...he LOVED it! He was very interested in the spoon but eventually started eating and couldn't get enough. When he was done, he kept looking around for more and sticking his tongue out to see if he could find any. It was adorable! I think I'll still wait a while to begin other baby foods, but he's loving rice cereal for now :) Of course we took a million pictures but here are some favorites...
"Mommy, what am I supposed to do with this?"

"Umm Mommy you missed my mouth"

"Did you want me to spit it back out?"

"I'm not so sure about this Mommy!"

"Hey Daddy, why don't you let me hold the spoon?"

Boys, boys, boys!

I am so thankful to have so many friends with little ones that Porter will be able to play with as he gets older. I think this past year must have been the 'year of the boys' because it seems like most of our friends have had little boys. Porter got to meet another one of his friends yesterday, sweet Ryan. Our friends Heather and Jamie welcomed this little cutie into their family in April and this was our first time letting the boys meet. They were so sweet laying together and trying to hold hands. We're so glad to have finally met you Ryan!

July 1, 2011

4 months

I realized when writing this blog post, that I'm not the most avid blogger. Hopefully more scheduled nap times will allow for more blog time :) This fourth month has been so much fun! Porter is learning to do so many things and is so much more alert and interactive. He loves to smile and laugh. He still doesn't laugh that often, but when he does it's so funny! Baby laughs are one of those things you can't help but laugh at. He takes big boy baths now without the hammock attachment in the tub. He loves playing with the toys and splashing in the water. We haven't made it to the pool yet but if it's anything like the bathtub for him, he'll love it! He is a little more interested in tv than I would like, but I might be thankful for that during cleaning time a little later on! Our days are much more scheduled now than in the beginning. He eats 5 times a day and takes 3 naps (morning, afternoon, and short evening naps). He is still sleeping in his crib from around 7:45-6:30 at night. However, naps are still a bit of a challenge. He had graduated to being able to sleep in the swing (as opposed to being held) and now we're working on napping in the crib. It's a work in progress for now! He no longer sleeps in a swaddle. He sleeps soundly in his sleep sack, which makes for some adorable sleeping positions. I love going to check on him before we go to bed, he looks like such a big boy! I thought he may have been teething a week or so ago, but I'm fairly certain it was a growth spurt instead. I'm not so disappointed to have avoided the teething monster for now anyways. According to his 4 month stats, it still looks like we have a tall, lean baby. He was 25 1/2 inches tall and 12 lbs. 13 oz. He is growing at a steady rate, but staying a little on the small side. It's ok buddy, you've still got time ;) He is finally big enough to play in the Bumbo and Exersaucer now and he loves them! He is getting much more interested in toys now that he can hold onto them. He loves books too! I haven't really noticed a favorite yet though. Porter, you're such a sweet baby and mommy and daddy are so blessed to be able to watch you grow and learn each day. We love you baby!
Snuggling with PopPop

Figuring out this Boppy thing :)

Getting stronger with tummy time

Sneaking in some tv time

Reading with mommy

Trying to play in the exersaucer- still working on this one :)

Happy Father's Day daddy!

Big boy bathtime

I can find my toys!

Happy 4 months baby boy

He learned how to stand and I'm certain he'll never sit again!