November 19, 2012

Then there were two

Life with two under two...where to begin. I'll start with an apology ahead of time for any typos or misspelled words, because as I type, I have one adorable, squirmy, sleeping 2.5 week old on my shoulder and one handsome, crazy 20 month old boy crawling all over my legs desperately trying to get to his sissy. Have I mentioned he is obsessed?! No joke! 

When I was pregnant with Savannah, people gave me all sorts of advice and "wisdom" on what life with two young kids would be like. Some was solicited and some was not, another story for another time. But it was one of those things that I knew I would not truly understand until they were both here, together, and in my lap. Well, they are here and both currently in my lap. Life with two is crazy, yet works just perfectly. It is sometimes overwhelming and yet, always more joyful than I could have ever expected. It is wild and loud and silly and happy and chaotic and pretty downright perfect. It's going to have to get a lot crazier or Sean's idea of stopping at two just might be out the window (sorry honey)! Yes, we do go through about 25-30 diapers a day (just ask our poor garbage man!) but thank the Lord for friends and family that blessed us by helping to stock up on such useful things! Two in diapers and cribs at the same time is every bit as adventurous as it sounds ;) I'm just glad no one has had to witness the acrobatic skills necessary to wear one child in a sling on my front while lifting the other child into his crib at nap time. Whew! I wouldn't have it any other way, but boy will I have some good stories for our babies when they grow up (which, by the way, isn't allowed to happen for a long, long time). Until then, I am soaking up every crazy minute of this wonderful life that I have been blessed with! 

**so after the fourth frustrated, unsuccessful attempt to load 
pictures, this post is going up pictureless. So sorry to any visual readers!**

November 11, 2012

Our darling daughter

While our tiniest babe is asleep on my shoulder, it seems like the perfect time to record some of our favorite things about her right now. Savannah Joy, at 12 days old you:

~sleep remarkably well at night, which we could not be more thankful for. You go to bed around 10:30 and sleep until 7:00 with one hour awake period from 3:00 to 4:00.
~tolerate your brother's noises and kisses very well. You actually seem to enjoy his hugs and kisses very much. He thinks it is very funny when you "kiss" him back. Little does he know that you are just hungry ;)
~are an extremely calm, peaceful baby unless you are hungry, tired of being swaddled, or need to poop. Speaking of seem to be quite proficient at it! For something so cute, sweet, and dainty you sure do make some loud, smelly diapers, wow!!
~love to snuggle anywhere, anytime. If you have a hard time falling asleep, all we have to do is lay down with you and off you go. So sweet! 
~have the most expressive faces, even in your sleep. We can always tell how you're feeling about something. 
~seem to love riding in the car, which is a welcome change from your brother who cried (screamed, really) on every car ride for the first eleven months of life. Did I just jinx us?!
~ sure do have your dad and brother (and mom too, who are we kidding??) wrapped around your tiny, beautiful finger! 

November 8, 2012

Boy meets girl

For my entire pregnancy with Savannah, I dreamed about the relationship that our children would have and the things they would love to do together. Well, let me just say that I could have never dreamed anything as sweet as how much Porter loves his Sissy! In his little eyes, she was created just for him. Smitten doesn't even cut it. This boy is utterly obsessed with his little sister. The look on his face the moment he laid eyes on her showed us he knew exactly who she was. He squealed and giggled and laughed and kissed her a bazillion times. My heart melted and I knew that exact moment that any crazy, hectic day we have will be worth every second just because of the love they have for each other. He ran in the hospital room and after the initial excitement set in, he plopped his cute little self down on the couch and told us "Sit sit that baby!" He held her like he had been waiting forever to meet her and I will never forget the way he just stared down at her face like he wanted to learn everything about her. 

I told Sean that after we got her home, the newness would probably fade and he would be on his merry way with his usual routine. Well, she is nine days old and every time he wakes up, she is the first person he asks for. Every few minutes, while playing, he stops to come find her and see if she is sleeping and who has her. He wants to help feed her, burp her, change her, and loves to try and share his snacks with her. I can only guess that she will have her first table food a little earlier than we might prefer ;) All choking hazards aside, I could not be more thankful for our two beautiful, healthy children and the relationship they are already developing. I am one blessed, thankful mama! 

November 5, 2012

Welcome sweet Savannah

Before my memories get foggy and life catches up with us, I wanted to record the story of how our little princess entered the world. I had prayed for weeks that my labor would begin on its own and that I would not need to be induced. However, the Lord is sovereign and had other plans. I went three weeks at 1 cm dialated and almost fully effaced. Even still, we made it to induction day and the Lord worked many miracles all throughout the day. 

Sean and I arrived at the hospital at 7 am and begun paperwork right away. Shortly after, we met the sweetest nurse I could possibly imagine, Abby. One part of the induction that I was most scared of was the IV. Abby was amazing! She got it on the first try and it was almost painless. Pitocin was started at 8 am and contractions got going almost instantly. The dr recommended that I go ahead and get the epidural before she broke my water, and I am so glad she did! I got my epidural at 9:30 and she came in to break my water at 10. Savannah was still very high and over my right hip, instead of down in my pelvis, which made breaking my water very difficult. Thank goodness for epidurals!!! After that, things progressed slowly. It took from 10 am to 5 pm for me to change from 1 cm to 3 cm. I was getting very discouraged and starting to feel some of the contractions. I worried that with having broken my water several hours, I would start to get an infection. Things changed quickly after that. I went from 3 cm to 6 cm in the next hour and a half and was officially in active labor. However, during that time my epidural stopped working in most places and even higher doses were not helping the pain. I started feeling intense pressure and knew that I had to push. They kept telling me I was only at 6 cm and it was not time, but I knew what my body was telling me. About that time, shifts changed and I got a new nurse, Courtney, who was also wonderful and made for a much better labor coach a little later on. Finally, the dr (who by the way was the dr that I had hoped all along would be able to deliver Savannah) came in and said she would let me try pushing anyways. Short version, I pushed for ten minutes and she suited up and ordered the baby nurses in. Another ten minutes of intense, painful pushing and the most precious baby girl I have ever seen was laid on my chest. It was all over and she was perfect. She weighed 7 lbs 7.7 oz (777 is the number of perfection and she was exactly that) and was 21 inches long. Things went even better than I could have planned myself and I am so thankful for a God who cares about us. 

I'll give more details in the next blog about Porter meeting Savannah, our hospital stay, and life since becoming a mommy of two. Until then, enjoy some pictures from the big day. . . (some of the pictures are sideways, so sorry, I'm blogging on my kindle while we are laptopless)