November 24, 2014

Sick Days

Winter colds have officially begun at the Mitchell house. Savannah caught one last weekend and over the course of the week, has shared it with every last one of us. Needless to say, we've had several days at home and are going a little stir-crazy! I'm hoping to get everyone all better before Thanksgiving. There's no shortage of noses to wipe, babies to cuddle, juice cups to refill, elderberry syrup to dose out, and Lysol to spray. The only thing we seem to be lacking on is sleep!! Oh glorious sleep! I hear that these sweet little creatures eventually sleep and that one day I'll sleep again. Until then, I'm living on prayer and coffee! All that to say, there's not much blogging or picture taking going on lately, so here are some highlights of the last week...

Porter got his first rocket launcher (side note: when you pay $3 at Target, don't expect it to last!)

Sullivan and I have had quite a bit of (ahem) bonding time lately ;) Good thing this smile wipes (most of) the grumpy right off my heart!

Savannah has continued to "mother" anything she can get her hands on. This girl is a diaper changing, baby feeding, shushing machine! If only said babies were the one that actually needed those things ;)

Oh, and Savannah has recently developed a love for apples. She said "all done apple mommy" and brought me this...gross!

And don't forget lots and lots of snuggles for sick little ones!

November 19, 2014

Sullivan at 2 Months

Baby Sullivan (as I will likely call him until he is old enough to protest it) turned 2 months old a few days ago. He has been such a happy, cheerful little guy lately! He even laughed for the first time on Sunday as well. I love watching how Porter and Savannah have completely fallen in love with him! They love to help burp him, cheer for him when he burps or smiles, bring me things for him, talk to and play with him when he gets upset and watch him wiggle. He is one loved little brother! 

At 2 months: 
~He is improving at night, but not sleeping through yet. He is usually up once, but the length of time varies.
~Car rides are still very tough. He cries most of the time until we get him out of his seat.
~He is an excellent eater and is eating 7 times/day. 
~He sleeps best being snuggled close or in the swing. 
~He has gotten into a 3 nap/day routine, for the most part.
~He smiles the most at his brother and sister.
~He weighs 11 lbs 11 oz and is 25 inches long. 

November 16, 2014

Baths and Snuggles

Tonight wasn't anything particularly monumental of sorts, but these nights at home with freshly clean, snugly babies are the ones I hope I always remember. These ordinary moments make up a childhood, and I sure do cherish them! Days can be tough lately with 3 such young and needy babes, but these sweet moments are so redeeming. 

Today was Sullivan's 2 month birthday (post to follow) and while taking his 2 month picture, Porter and Savannah wanted in the chair also. 

I love the way Porter and Savannah are loving their baby brother. They were both so eager to help with him after bath time tonight. Porter put lotion on his brother and Savannah brushed his hair. So sweet!

November 12, 2014

The 8th week

Baby Sullivan has had quite a busy 8th week of life. Full of smiles and snuggles from his favorite people :) Nights are still pretty tough with this precious boy, but we sure do love getting to know his sweet self! 

November 1, 2014

November Snow Day

Today was our first snow day of the season and there is quite a bit of excitement around here! We bundled up and got out in it as soon as we could! Porter loved it! He threw snow and made snow angels. Savannah wouldn't get within a foot of it! Quite hilarious!

Greatest November 1st ever!! 

Halloween 2014

Porter and Savannah were both old enough this year to look forward to Halloween and have some input on their costumes. For the second year in a row, Porter chose to be a cowboy. Savannah chose to be a kitty. They looked precious! Our friends, the Victors, came over to eat, trick or treat, and hang out with us. We all had a great time! The weather wasn't the best for trick or treating, but the kids still had a great time! Everyone ate way too much candy and stayed up too late, just the way it should be :)

And a dance party, of course