May 23, 2015

Sullivan at 8 Months

We may be a few days late, but none the less, our tiny babe is 8 months old. We celebrated his 8 month mark at the beach :) This guy has become a true joy over the last month. He has gotten so much more easy going lately! He is still very reserved with people he doesn't know well and has to know where mama is at all times. He is such a little squishy thing! Some things I'd like to remember about him at this age: 

-he is sleeping 12 hours each night (whew!)
-he takes 2 2.5ish hour naps each day
-he takes 4 bottles each day
-he is loving every fruit and vegetable he has tried so far
-he is loving puffs and beginning to be interested in picking up other foods also
-he can sit up with some assistance 
-not crawling, no teeth
-he loves music and being read to
-his jumper is about the only place he will stay for any length of time happily and watching him jump in it is just hilarious 
-his laugh is contagious and smile is huge
-he loves watching dogs and other animals 
-he wears 9 month clothes and 12 month sleepers, size 4 diapers 
-he sleeps in his crib and in a sleep sack and must have his sound machine on the ocean setting 
-he loves his paci 
-he began sitting up in restaurant high chairs this month 

May 22, 2015

First Soccer Game

I'm a sucker for anything sentimental, especially my kids' "firsts". So Porter's first soccer game was no exception! He has been saying that he wanted to play soccer, but we just weren't sure if he was really ready. He is very timid and usually gets very nervous about being away from us. But we decided to let him try. The rules were he had to finish what he started and do his best. He may not be the most skilled player on the team, but he loves it and has far surpassed our expectations! He loves practice, loves his coach, is listening well and improving quite a bit from the first practice. Way to go Porter, we are so proud of you! 

And he has loved being on a team with his buddy, Sawyer :)

3 Favorites

This blog features 3 of our favorite things...

Daddy! (Bonus, snuggles with Daddy)

Friends (sleepovers with sweet friends are even better!)

And baked goods! Yummy! (And ones bigger than our heads are even better!)

Sprinkler Play

This week is the first week of consistently warm weather and we are loving it! After an evening walk, our neighbor was watering her flowers and the kids were more than happy to test out her sprinkler! They loved it! Porter ran through it, Savannah stood at the edge and still ended up soaked. I love watching them be kids! Porter's request afterwards was "a nice warm bath"! 

Toddler Chemistry

The kids and I are huge fans of storytime at our public library! This week, it was a chemistry lesson! Woo hoo! I was a bit nervous of seeing what they would be doing, but it was so much fun! They got to watch a volcano explode and make their own gummy worms. Savannah even touched them! 

May 5, 2015

Park Days

My kids love being outside and I love making them happy, so time at the park is perfect for all of us. I love seeing them run and be so carefree (minus bug encounters, Savannah). And getting out of the house takes my mind off of chores and lets me just enjoy watching my kids be kids. There's so much innocence in watching children slide, swing, run, climb and have fun. I will have to say that taking all three of them to the park is no easy task. I'm usually exhausted by the time we have all made it into the van. But I know that when I look back on their "little" years, I'll be so glad I packed the bags and headed to the pack to enjoy my sweeties. We never end up with many pictures from our park trips, because honestly just keeping 3 children alive, somewhat fed and remotely in the same location takes nothing short of a super hero! But the ones we do have usually end up pretty cute!