October 21, 2015

We're still here...

We really are still here. A little under water at the moment, as in for the last month or so, but all the same. The pictures and adventures keep on coming, there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to catch up with all of them. So here's what we've been up to lately, and until my children learn to solo blog, I make no promises on further updates. But here's to trying... 

To say we love having a library so close is an understatement! We love story time and a weekly new set of books! 

Our biggest boy is working so, so hard to learn his letters and how to write/read words. I love being right beside him while he does so. 

Last week, we were able to travel to Statesville to see the NC hot air balloon festival. Despite spending longer in traffic than we did in the actual festival, we all had a great time! 

And, as always, lots and lots of play time at home.