November 1, 2010

Shopping with Nonni and Pumpkin Carving

We had such a fun weekend getting to spend some time with my mom (Porter's Nonni) and enjoy some Halloween fun! My mom came over Saturday for us to go baby shopping and out to lunch. I think we went to every place in Charlotte that sells anything baby :) . I loved having that time so spend with her just walking around shops and talking. She is such a sweet mom and is going to be an amazingly sweet Nonni to Porter. We got to enjoy a wonderful lunch at Cheesecake Factory also. Bread (for whatever reason) has become a recent craving and theirs was amazing! And some lunch pictures...


Another favorite tradition at the Mitchell house is to watch "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" and carve a pumpkin. This year's pumpkin was a Yankee pumpkin as Sean's still a little bitter they didn't make it into the World Series this year. He seems to be so busy these days between work, school, and CPA which makes me appreciate our time together so much! He is such a sweet husband and is going to be a wonderful daddy to Porter. And the Yankee pumpkin...

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