April 26, 2011

2 Months

Today is my sweet baby's 2 month birthday! I really can't express how much I love being his mommy and just how much joy he brings to my life everyday. I feel truly blessed to have been given the responsibility of raising him. I love waking up in the mornings and knowing that I get to spend the day snuggling and going on adventures with him. Granted our adventures are still somewhat limited, but we're branching out slowly :) After finding out his 2 month growth stats, I'm still a little unsure of where he got his size/proportions from. He weighs 11 lbs. 2 oz. and is 24 inches tall, which means 85th percentile for height and 25th percentile for weight...a tall, slim baby seriously?! He has changed so much in these quick 2 months! His best friend is a stuffed ladybug that hangs from his playmat. He loves to hit at her and smiles so big when he can find her- it's adorable! He turns his head to find voices and loves to hear singing- finally, someone that appreciates my hidden talent :) His smiles are so stinking cute but impossible to catch on camera. I try so hard, but have yet to get a good one on camera. They are definitely more intentional now, but he seems to save them for the special times still. He is so very cuddly and loves to hold hands. Here are some 2 month moments...
Hanging out on the boppy- tolerating one of many, many pictures :)

Snuggling with daddy after work

First time wearing shorts- wasn't sure what to think about exposed legs

First bottle- he loved it!

First time in the big boy swing

First Easter

Happy 2 month birthday to my favorite baby ever!

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