October 26, 2011

8 months


Today you are 8 months old. You have turned into an eating, babbling, rolling, laughing, eating, clapping, waving, signing, eating, noise making little cutie pie! {Did I mention you liked to eat?} Your daddy and I are smitten, which I think you're becomming a little bit aware of ;) You love to be held and you sure do have a way of making it known! 'Opinionated' is one of my best words to describe you right now. We love that your personality is really starting to come out and we can see what things, people, and foods you like and those you aren't so fond of. You sure are keeping us on our toes and I'm only guessing your plans don't include much down time anytime soon. We love you little buddy!

Mommy and Daddy

{"Yeah", you LOVE clapping!}

{Not much is safe around you anymore ;) }

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