March 26, 2012

13 months

I keep getting tongue-tied now when people ask how old Porter is. Is he one-year or is he 13 months? I told someone 13 years..oops. I'm sure she either thought I was a terrible mathematician or that mommy-brain had officially taken over all of my speaking capabilities. Either way, she looked at me ever so sweetly and I walked away. It was not until we got much further past her that I realized I had actually just told this sweet, inquisitive lady that the tiny person I was holding was the smallest teenager she had ever seen, LOL! Anyways, today is our tiny boy's 13 month birthday and boy is he hilarious! Some of today's antics... As I sat on the couch eating my apple, he continued to leave his toys, walk over to me and lick my apple. Not bite or steal, just lick. One lick was all it took and he was off on his way. This continued over and over again until the apple made its way to the trash can. And boy was he proud of himself for giving mommy's apple a lick! Seeing as how simply crawling across the wood floor is not fast enough, this crazy child put a book under each of his hands and proceeded to skate (or something like it) back and forth across the floor laughing the whole way, hilarious! Poor Charlie and Lola! I have warned them many a time to stay out of his way. Porter's favorite thing right now is to walk across the playroom as fast as he can with the help of his dragon walker. When Lola was in his way, the most logical thing to do (of course) was to run into her. Well, she jumped about a foot in the air and he laughed so hard he literally fell over! This boy has a sense of humor for sure :)

The tiny mischief maker himself...


  1. Goodness I love that boy!!! :)

    Auntie Em

    p.s. i'm using "anonymous" because I can't remember my google account info!

  2. We're pretty fond of him too :) I like your anonymous identity lol. Love you!
