June 12, 2012

Doughnuts and Playhouses

Thanks to a friend's children outgrowing their play set, this is the newest addition to our playroom...

Porter spent almost {literally!} every waking moment in this house yesterday. We ate breakfast in the little house, we played trucks in the little house, we read books in the little house... you get the picture! Figuring out that he can open the door and go inside all by himself has him feeling like quite the big boy. Seeing those chubby little cheeks pop out of a window to say "Mama" sure did crack me up {which then meant that he did it about 7,482 more times}. Hey, it's the little things right?! 

(Sorry for the blurry camera phone picture. That's about as long as he would stand still!)

 This weekend we managed a trip up to Asheville to spend an early Father's Day with my dad. And if you ask me, no trip up to Asheville is complete without a stop to Krispy Kreme! {Side note: why in this ginormous city of Charlotte, is the closest one 40 minutes away?! Ugh!)Anyways, that bright red 'Hot Now' sign popped up just as we were driving by and well, you know the rest. Porter enjoyed {a.k.a. covered everyone else at the table with it} a chocolate iced with sprinkles doughnut and milk with a straw {it doesn't take much to make this little guy feel like a big kid!}.

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