August 30, 2012

29, 30, and 31

Since I've missed a few weeks of posting belly shots, I figured I'd go ahead and catch you up to speed. Here's what you've missed...

29 weeks...

30 weeks...
 31 weeks...
My countdown is now at a little less that 8 weeks to go {gestational diabetes earned me a set 39 week induction} and I am sincerely wondering how in the world this little  girl is going to keep growing in there for approximately 55 more days! 3.5 weeks ago, she measured at 2 lbs. 9 oz., so my guess is that she's now somewhere around 4/4.5 pounds. My OB says I'm measuring right on track. I, however, am kind of wondering if she's using an elephant scale or a human scale! Other than feeling incredibly large and some increasingly intense back pain, things are going well. I still seem to be able to keep up with Porter, if that's any indication. All that to say, if our sweet Savannah decided she wanted an early October birthday, as opposed to a late October birthday, you probably wouldn't hear many complaints from this mama ;)

August 27, 2012

18 months!!!

We had quite the half birthday celebration around here this weekend. If you didn't already know, I LOVE birthdays and holidays! A lot! Somehow our tiny baby boy has turned into a 1.5 year old laughing, running, toddler and he's quite the show these days! We wanted to make sure he had a super fun birthday weekend so we did some special things together. Our weekend agenda: Friday night- pizza, popcorn, and movie picnic in the living room. Check! Saturday- maternity/family pictures {ok, more out of necessity than fun for Porter, but he had fun playing outside} and dinner at Mac's {one of our favorites! smoked chicken wings and the best macaroni and cheese you've EVER tasted!}. Check! Sunday- special birthday breakfast {sprinkle donuts, what else!} church, afternoon baseball game at the Charlotte Knights stadium {if you're wondering, yes it did include cotton candy and ice cream with sprinkles} and dinner out on the porch. Have I mentioned that I'm so unbelievably thankful for our little family? Well, I am. I sometimes wonder why God chose to bless me with such an amazing husband and precious boy and even though I can't seem to come up with any good reasons, he did and I am eternally grateful for such a giving God.

Porter and Daddy at the baseball game

Birthday donut breakfast

Popcorn and a movie

Pizza party!

Relaxing with Daddy
Some 18 month stats:
(He goes for his actual 18 month check up on Wednesday, so I'll give you more then)
*According to his growth chart, in his room, he has grown about 6 inches since his 1 year birthday!
*Dog Dog and Nigh Nigh are his essential items and seem to go EVERYWHERE these days.
*Current favorite food (it changes weekly): Popcorn. He's obsessed! Green beans and cheese are also high on the list.
*Favorite movie: Elmo. He's in LOVE!
*Favorite show: Mickey Mouse. Morning snuggles in Mommy and Daddy's bed while watching Mickey Mouse is the highlight of his mornings! (And mine!)
*Favorite shirt: Yes, he has a favorite shirt. His Piggly Wiggly t-shirt that we got on vacation. You should see his face when I pull it out for him to wear it!
*Favorite toy: His vegetable pot that he got for Christmas. He loves to stir his 'soup' and feed it to any willing soul (or stuffed animal) that will sit still long enough. Adorable!
*Favorite things: trucks/tractors, dogs, balls. The 'he's all boy' saying is quite appropriate!
*Favorite room in the house: Sissy's room! He escapes to it any chance he gets. He loves to look around, touch her things, and play in 'his' drawer of toys in her room. We'll see if he still likes it as much once it's occupied ;)
I can't wait to see what the next 6 months has in store for us! Happy half birthday to the sweetest, most loving, most adventurous little boy I know! Mommy and Daddy love you!

August 24, 2012

Friday picture share

Porter and I have been so busy lately that the camera and blog just haven't made it to the 'to do' list. So I thought I'd share some phone pictures {please excuse the quality. My phone's not exactly what you'd call 'smart'!} of what Porter's been up to lately. It's quite hard to catch this active little monster in any remotely still position, so this is about as good as it gets :)

We no longer have to wonder if our boy will live the rest of his life with 4 teeth :) He is going from 5 to NINE teeth in one week. Seriously?! One of which is a molar, yikes! I always heard these were hard for them to cut. They weren't lying! This poor baby falls asleep anytime we get in the car because he can't seem to be able to fall asleep for naps. Yes, it's been a bit of a long week!

I think the 'big brother' instincts are beginning to show. His favorite thing to do is lay his dog dog down for a nap and cover him up. He never forgets to pat him and kiss him goodnight. I know all moms are partial, but I think I might have the sweetest boy alive!

Porter and Mommy had a Chick-Fil-A date (free coupons, score!). He was so sweet and so adorable. He ate his chicken and drank his milk and was so well behaved (please don't think that's an 'every outing occurence''s not!). He even talked me into trading his toy in for an ice cream, which he fed to himself.

After moving his rocking chair to Savannah's room, his room was looking a little empty. We decided his floor needed a rug, but couldn't find the right one. Porter and I found this fun, green one at Target and he's in love with it. No, really, he lays on it any chance he gets! {Have you seen that Febreeze commercial where the lady picks up all of the stuffed animals, puts them away, sprays the floor with Febreeze, and they all get out and lay face down on the floor to smell it? No? Well, he reminds me of that commercial with his rug. It's hilarious!}

Some people eat macaroni and cheese with a fork. Some people drink it right out of the bowl :) Hey, whatever works!

That would be Porter snuggling with his sissy. She seems to sneak her way into lots of pictures unknowingly these days :) And no cuddle session is complete without dog dog and nigh nigh.

Self-explanatory, but I couldn't resist including it!

I took the bottom piece out of Porter's Cozy Coupe and he can now drive it (Flintstone style, of course) all by himself. He's quite proud :)

August 10, 2012


Porter's favorite part of his bedtime routine has become getting to watch a show on mommy and daddy's bed after bath and PJ's. Secretly, it's mine and Sean's too because he is so super snugly {and still!}. There is hardly anything in the world sweeter than a clean, calm, sleepy boy in his jammies. Melt.My.Heart!

August 9, 2012

28 Weeks

We are officially in the third trimester and counting down {76 days, in case you were wondering}. Not counting down because I'm ready to not be pregnant {those that know me well actually know that I love being pregnant. a lot.} Counting down because the thought of holding our sweet baby girl and watching our precious boy be a big brother to her makes me unbelievably excited. I can't wait! Yes, there will be moments of chaos and times that I may need 4 billion extra arms, etc., but seeing our babies grow up so close together will be a lifetime of memories and cherished moments that I wouldn't trade any amount of sanity and quiet for. I am one thankful mama!

We were able to have a 28 week ultra sound {see, I told you gestational diabetes had benefits!} on Tuesday and our little beauty is doing just perfect. Yes, she is head up and that same head is measuring approximately 2.5 weeks ahead of schedule, but she is perfect! She had her little arms up over her face the entire time and her tiny nose was adorable! I, of course, freaked out at the immediate finding out that she is head up. However, my OBGYN assures me that 95% of babies will descend head down in time for birth. Her abdomen was measuring exactly with her gestational age and smaller than her melon head, which is exactly what they wanted to see. With gestational diabetes, the danger is that their mid-section would grow larger than their head, thus making birth quite a risky procedure. Please join us in continuing to pray that she would a) go head down and b) continue to grow at a healthy rate and with her abdomen staying smaller than her head.

28 weeks around here looks a little like this...

August 7, 2012

Show off

My quarky little boy is learning all kinds of tricks that he is loving showing off! {Attention lover, anyone?!} He is getting so much smarter and absolutely hilarious! This kid has us laughing all day long and I love his blossoming personality. I'm so curious to find out whether his sister will have his silly, outgoing personality or be a little more on the quiet side. {I guess we'll all be able to find out in about 11 weeks, eek!!}

...What happens when you give my child macaroni and watermelon ;)

So he has a snack table specifically for eating snacks. However, this is how he prefers to have his snacks...lined up and on the top of the gate. Every mom has to pick her battles right?!