August 30, 2012

29, 30, and 31

Since I've missed a few weeks of posting belly shots, I figured I'd go ahead and catch you up to speed. Here's what you've missed...

29 weeks...

30 weeks...
 31 weeks...
My countdown is now at a little less that 8 weeks to go {gestational diabetes earned me a set 39 week induction} and I am sincerely wondering how in the world this little  girl is going to keep growing in there for approximately 55 more days! 3.5 weeks ago, she measured at 2 lbs. 9 oz., so my guess is that she's now somewhere around 4/4.5 pounds. My OB says I'm measuring right on track. I, however, am kind of wondering if she's using an elephant scale or a human scale! Other than feeling incredibly large and some increasingly intense back pain, things are going well. I still seem to be able to keep up with Porter, if that's any indication. All that to say, if our sweet Savannah decided she wanted an early October birthday, as opposed to a late October birthday, you probably wouldn't hear many complaints from this mama ;)

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