September 26, 2012

35 + 19 = today

Math seems to be done in milestones around here these days :) Today is our precious boy's 19 month birthday! It's also week 35 for this very pregnant mama. Both quite exciting!

At 19 months, Porter is...
~still working on those troublesome molars (1 down, 1 cutting, 2 on the way)
~down to 1 2-hour nap/day (which makes some afternoons fun)
~on a bit of a hunger strike. This one is not so fun! Some days he eats like he's never going to eat again and other days his high chair and all things food related are his biggest enemy. Until this resolves, we're having a lot of fruit smoothies and shredded cheese!
~on an equally large stroller strike, yikes! Going places with this little monkey has been a challenge (to say the least!) lately. He is such an independent (a.k.a. headstrong!) little thing and just wants his freedom. Going places, or on walks, in the stroller is not one of his favorite activities at the time. I'm hoping this one also resolves before Savannah arrives or we will officially be on house arrest! (I can only begin to imagine how challenging carrying a newborn and chasing a toddler might be around stores, no thanks!)
~talking up a storm! It seems that there's nothing this little parrot can't say. I couldn't even begin to list all of the things he is saying these days! His favorite words right now seem to be animal sounds. (And as hilarious as Daddy thinks it is that Porter deems it appropriate to "moo" at Mama, Mama doesn't find it quite as funny in this rather large state!) He surprises us almost every day with something he's learned to say or do. I think we might have a genius on our hands (but then again, doesn't every mama think that?!)
~loving talking to his sissy. It's so sweet! One day last week, he was sitting in my lap and felt a rather large nudge from his sister, to which he responded "No No sissy!" Lol! He sings to her. He "feeds" her his food (I am finding the strangest food remnants on my belly these days!). He rubs her and kisses her. I can't wait to see the bond they have when he finally gets to meet her!

Speaking of sissy, some 35 week stats...
~cravings: milk, donuts (don't even think about judging!), french fries (all rather gestational diabetes friendly, huh?!), chicken pot pie (just can't seem to find the energy to make it and seeing as how I'm the only one that would eat it, I just can't justify spending the non-existent energy)
~my belly is still measuring about 2 cm ahead of the week that I am. I like to think it's related to a certain height issue, but it could very well be my ginormous daughter :)
~still not certain which position Savannah is in. The dr felt yesterday and said there is definitely something "large and hard" at the top and bottom of my belly, but wasn't sure which end was up. I have an ultra sound next Tuesday to measure her growth and check her position, so we're praying extra, extra hard that her head is down and abdomen continues to measure smaller than her head (that's what will make the difference in a c-section vs delivery, due to the gestational diabetes). If she is not head down, they will attempt to turn her at week 37, which makes me quite nervous but they seem to think it's worth a try and a relatively routine procedure.
~as long as she measures fine on the ultra sound and doesn't decide to come on her own before then, October 30th is our standing delivery date right now. All things are subject to change and I surely wouldn't mind if she decided to make her arrival before then, but we'll see! She is now full term enough that if labor started, they wouldn't try to stop it because they feel confident that she would be large enough and lungs would be strong enough. Thus begins the multiple daily walks ;)
~my only 'to do list' items left now are to make her tutu for newborn pictures (I just haven't been feeling all that creative lately, it will come I'm sure), pack mine and her hospital bags (wow, did I really just say that?!), and write some directions for Porter while mommy and daddy are away.
~34 days or less until we finally get to meet our beautiful girl!

So, there you have it. That pretty well sums up what's going on in the Mitchell house these days. Happy Wednesday :)

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