January 5, 2013

It's time!

I should begin by saying that Sean and I are probably 2 of the most impatient people you'll ever meet, no joke! We began our marriage 5 years ago with the conversation of where should we live...we are both from Asheville, but had jobs and apartments here in Charlotte. After praying about it, the answer was clearly to start our lives here, but we always knew we wanted to be back in Asheville and closer to family and hopefully that time would be when we had children, because we want them to grow up with the same close-knit family that we had. Well, after years of waiting for the right time, His timing is perfect and His hand is sovereignly at work. A nearly perfect job opportunity has opened up for Sean and starts just in time for busy (tax) season. So here goes, our house goes on the market and we have hopefully found a rental house to move into in 2 (yes TWO) weeks, yikes! Talk about tossing my little "everything is planned and happens at the same time every day and the same day every week" world upside down! While we are greatly looking forward to being move involved with our families and letting our children have the privilege of growing up with so many loved ones around, this was quite a bittersweet decision. You see, I don't handle change all that well and Charlotte has become our home for the last (counting college) 8 years. We have made so many wonderful friends, joined a church that has been an amazing blessing in our lives, come home as newlyweds into our first apartment together, bought a house that fits our family to a T, brought 2 amazing babies into the world, and made many, many wonderful memories. Some things just don't quite fit into moving boxes! Our hopes, dreams, and prayers for our family all point towards making the move back to where we grew up and I can't even begin to express how excited I am to see our families so much more often. Yet, as I type this, I see the stairs that Porter learned to climb up before he could even walk, the playroom that he learned to crawl in and took his first wobbly steps in, the garage door that we walked through to welcome both of our babies into our home...the list goes on and I'm feeling quite sentimental, but it's just a house (right?!). The memories are in our hearts (and about 1,000,194 pictures) and we will make more as we go. As Porter would tell you, home is where ever mommy cuts the apples and lets me hold my sissy ;) With bittersweet feelings in our hearts and a lot of anxiety about what the next few months might hold, we begin to say goodbye to our lives in Charlotte. I couldn't be more thankful for all of the sweet friendships that we have made here. Each one fulfilling our lives in a different way and at a different time. Bring on the moving boxes, packing tape, and let's be honest, a few tissues...

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