July 31, 2013

9 months and counting

Yesterday our sweet Savannah turned 9 months old. {the planner in me realized I have 3 months to get her big party planned!} This sweet thing has matured so much in the last month and I have to say, has become a much easier baby! She is sitting up well on her own and is able to roll/scoot to wherever she wants to get, which makes her very happy! This also means she is able to follow her brother (the love of her life) anywhere he goes. So sweet, these two! She is loving pieces of big girl food much better than baby food these days. She is loving going on walks in her stroller, taking bubble baths with Porter, and sitting at the table with us while we all eat. We will find out next week how much she weighs and how tall she is, so I'll add that info in then. She is still in 9 month clothes, but not for long! We are seeing her personality develop more and more and she is becoming quite the social butterfly.  She loves to make people laugh and unless she is hungry or tired, she is very happy! We love you more than you know Savannah Joy! 

(Porter was not fond of being left out of the photo shoot) 

(Entertaining sissy with peek a boo)

July 30, 2013

Settled in

Well, we are now settled in and the kids have adapted wonderfully! They now have room to spread out all their toys again and play as loud and wild as they want. Perfect our energizer bunny of a two year old! I'll let the pictures do the talking... 

July 11, 2013


Since I started this blog with the purpose of wanting to record and remember so many of life's little moments that get quickly forgotten, this season in our life is one that I want to be able to remember and look back on with the remembrance of Gods steadfast love, unfailing strength and certain grace in a time when everything seems so uncertain. Where we were so sure that we would close on our scheduled day and move our little family into our new home, those plans were quickly changed and we have been so graciously reminded of just how blessed we are and how easy it is to take things for granted. While we may be uncertain of where we will call home within the next few days, we can be certain that the Lords presence is with us always and His hand is at work crafting His master plan and working all things together for our good. While we may be uncertain of when we will close on our new home and rest at ease that this process is over, we can be certain that The Lord has blessed us with two of the most perfect little blessings we could possible imagine. We are so undeserving and at times so ungrateful, yet He is so faithful. Thank you Lord for your promises and your blessings each day! 

July 9, 2013

Best buddies

Porter admires his daddy more than perhaps any other little boy has admired his daddy ever! Seriously, they are best buddies! He wants to follow dad around everywhere he goes. He wants to do everything just like daddy! (Btw, his attempt at "shaving" it quite hilarious!) I hope these two always have the sweet bond that they do right now! 

July 6, 2013

Wagon rides

Savannah loves any chance to do something like her big brother and yesterday, she got to ride in the wagon like a big girl for the first time. Her face says it all... 

July 5, 2013

Happy 4th

Holidays have always been such special, fun times that I look forward to and celebrating them with some pretty cute babies only makes them that much more exciting! Even despite the flooding (seriously) conditions and days and days of rain before and after the 4th, we still had fun! I mean come on, how can you go wrong with festive foods, games, and family?! Here's a glimpse of what our 4th looked like... 

(It would be safe to say that our children are not lacking expression ;)

(Porter helping Nonni with the pre-party vacuuming has become a tradition apparently) 

(Someone learned how to unlock mommys phone and take pictures, uh oh!)

July 1, 2013

8 months with Savannah

Yesterday was baby girl's 8 month birthday. It seems impossible that she is already 8 months old! This little thing is one more emotional baby and does not hide her feelings. Which makes her a hilarious (and sometimes frustrating) combination of intense feelings. We never have to guess what mood she is in, that's for sure ;) This last month she has started eating small bites of food, rather than only purees. She is right on the brink of crawling, which is terrifying! She loves to stand up and jump in the exersaucer. She is in between 6 and 9 month clothes. She wants to try everything she sees her big brother playing with. He is still her best friend. I think he gets more of her smiles than anyone else, I love it! We still can't tell if she is a mamas girl or a daddy's girl, it depends on the day. She is doing much better with staying in the church nursery. She says mama, dada, and lots of "baby noises". She loves to wave at people. And last week, she had her first beach vacation (more to come on that, I just have some serious picture organizing to do first). Happy 8 months you beautiful doll baby!