July 11, 2013


Since I started this blog with the purpose of wanting to record and remember so many of life's little moments that get quickly forgotten, this season in our life is one that I want to be able to remember and look back on with the remembrance of Gods steadfast love, unfailing strength and certain grace in a time when everything seems so uncertain. Where we were so sure that we would close on our scheduled day and move our little family into our new home, those plans were quickly changed and we have been so graciously reminded of just how blessed we are and how easy it is to take things for granted. While we may be uncertain of where we will call home within the next few days, we can be certain that the Lords presence is with us always and His hand is at work crafting His master plan and working all things together for our good. While we may be uncertain of when we will close on our new home and rest at ease that this process is over, we can be certain that The Lord has blessed us with two of the most perfect little blessings we could possible imagine. We are so undeserving and at times so ungrateful, yet He is so faithful. Thank you Lord for your promises and your blessings each day! 

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