September 26, 2013

Fall cookies and sweet memories

My favorite thing about Porter right now is that he wants to "help" me with everything I do. As soon as he sees me getting baking supplies out of the pantry, I immediately hear, "Mommy, me make it with you?". And my favorite thing about the first week of Fall is baking. So, what better than baking cookies with my sweet boy?! And bonus, a color mixing lesson made for some great teachable moments. Making sweet memories with this precious family of mine is my favorite thing to do these days ;) 

(Yes, he tried every icing. Several times.)

(I mean this face, could it get any cuter?!)

(Daddy even got it on the baking fun)

(Yes, Woody the cowboy tried icing also)

(Sweetie pie girl wasn't feeling the "baking fun" today, so this was as close as the camera was able to get to her)

(This picture will be forever in my mind.)

(Ok, bakery quality? Probably not. But we sure had fun and they tasted fall-tastic ;)

Btw...our house also got pumpkins, fall table flowers, a mum for the front porch, and a Fall wreath on the door today. We may be passing some serious sickness around here, but we still had a wonderful Fall day! 

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