October 30, 2013

Happy birthday baby girl

I have tried to start this post several times today...oh my heart. I am quite emotional and extra sentimental about my tiny baby girl turning one. Has it really been a year already?! I am so proud of her, but I want to freeze her right where she is. She is losing so many "baby" traits and gaining so many "toddler" traits and I'm just not ready to see her grow that much yet. Have I mentioned I'm feeling a little emotional about this milestone?! 

We had such a fun day celebrating our swet girl! She woke up to some birthday decorations and a pancake breakfast. This little sweetie is not a morning person, so it took her a while to join in on the excitement. 

I then made her take the mandatory monthly photo shoot :) Yes, maybe I had a little too much fun with dressing her. Can you blame me?! 

Porter and I made her some special sweet potato muffins for lunch, which she loved! And we played outside for a while to enjoy the nice weather. She loves going on walks! After nap, Nonni and Aunt Emma came by to grab a hug from the birthday girl. Then we went to Blue Sky Cafe for dinner. She even got her own special birthday dessert. Yes, she licked the plate clean. Literally. Girl after my own heart!!!

And we finished the day with a nice, warm bath to wash off all of the whipped cream. What a blessed, joyful, simple, happy day. Happy birthday our dear, sweet, precious Savannah Joy!!! 

Her 1-year check-up isn't until Friday, so I don't have height and weight stats yet. This girl is cracking us up lately. 

She loves: playing peek a boo, to eat!, taking baths, playing with the toy kitchen, baby dolls, animals, drinking milk out of her sippy cup, hearing stories, music, watching movies in the car, going on walks.

She does not love: being held (she wants to be on the move!), being wiped off after eating, having to sit still, being in a room alone, being told no, loud startling noises.

We could not be more thankful for this talkative, happy, joyful little bundle of cuteness. We hear all of the time how cute she is, and we agree! The Lord blessed us beyond measure when He chose us to be her parents and we only pray that we can bless and honor Him in return through the way that we raise and train her. I could go on and on... The point is, we love her and couldn't imagine our lives without her! 

Pumpkin carving

Last night, we did our annual pumpkin carving. This year, Porter chose Lightning McQueen. We thought the kids would love digging in the pumpkin and getting messy. Not so much! Porter started out excited about the pumpkin, but that excitement faded when he realized how messy it was. He wants nothing to do with messes! Savannah was nervous at first, but ended up getting her hands a little messy. She is slightly braver than her brother ;) All in all, a fun night! And Lightning McQueen didn't turn out too bad either. And what pumpkin carving night is complete without watching "Its the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown"?!

October 25, 2013


Here's what we've been up to lately...

Donut breakfasts...

Savannah got upgraded to a big girl car seat...

Sweet Porter had a nasty virus :( ...

These babies (and mommy!) have been loving their festive Halloween attire...

Sissy got cozy in brother's old jammies and looked incredibly cute in her pink Converses...

And the weather got cold quickly, so we have been finding new ways to spend our time inside...


October 18, 2013

Pigtails and puppies

Today was Savannah's first time trying out the big girl pigtails. She was super cute, but I'm not sure I'm ok with how old they made her look... 

And we just might have a veterinarian on our hands. Dr. Porter was mending Charlie's wounds all while cuddling with h and sneaking in some cartoon time...

These little cuties sure are good at making a mama happy ;) 

October 15, 2013

Just a Tuesday

I love days that are just normal, but filled with sweet memories. Today was a perfect one. My sweet babies broke out the Halloween outfits and were unbelievably cute. (Side note: Savannah actually wore both of hers because a morning with just one outfit and no diaper explosions are just plain boring. Oh, that's just in my house?! Ok.) In typical sentimental mom fashion, I took 4,383,863 pictures. I'll give you the favorites ;) 

Outfit #2...

And the mess that happened in between outfit changes...

I rounded the corner to the dreaded "uh-oh, uh-oh". I love hearing her little voice learning to say new words. And she was so proud of the mess she had made. I love her sweet, innocent face! 

We spent time playing downstairs. I tried to get a cute picture of Porter's Halloween shirt, and this was as close as I got. 

As a last minute surprise, we met Daddy for lunch at Neo Burrito and played in the toy store for a few minutes. 

Sometimes these days can feel uneventful and ordinary, but I know I will miss their simplicity. I can't say enough how blessed I feel to be able to stay home with these sweet kids and see every minute of their days!