March 19, 2015

Sullivan at 6 Months

This week, my tiniest babe turned 6 months old. His huge, contagious smile lights up a room. He is absolutely charming! At 6 months...
~he weighs 16 lbs 10 oz and is 27 inches long
~he is now enjoying car rides
~he has loved every fruit and vegetable he has tried, although some don't exactly agree with his belly (broccoli, green beans)
~he has improved in the sleep department, but still wakes up several times a night for various reasons
~he is a mama baby! He looks for me every second that I'm not holding him
~he loves stroller walks 
~he loves watching his silly brother and sister
~he isn't overly friendly with strangers 
~he definitely knows familiar faces and lights up when he sees them
~he is our chubbiest baby and I adore his rolls 
~he loves, loves bath time, but hates the lotion afterwards 
~he is wearing 9 months clothes and size 3 diapers 

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