December 14, 2015

Advent Calendar (part 1)

This year we decided to make our advent calendar be a countdown of Christmas activities we could do together. Some for our own fun and some to benefit others. So far we have had a lot of fun with it!

Dec. 1- put on pajamas and go look for Christmas lights. 

Dec. 2- have a special Christmas breakfast. (Yogurt with Christmas sprinkles)

Dec. 3- help Daddy hang the outside Christmas lights. 
(Picture- imagine: Sean on the roof trying to hang lights, in the dark, while also trying to entertain/listen to/referee the oldest 2 playing in the driveway while I wrestled with/held Sullivan and tried to make dinner. Umm yeah. We have 5 strands of lights. Some of them blink, some of them don't. They're hung and that's as good as it gets this year!) 

Dec. 4- have a polar express party.

Dec. 5- shop for Angel Tree gifts.
(No photo- I mean honestly, who would even attempt to take a picture of 3 kids wandering wrecklessly through the toy aisles of Wal-Mart?!) 

Dec.6- Decorate Rice Krispie Christmas trees.

Dec. 7- Go see the gingerbread houses at the Grove Park Inn. 

Dec. 8- Go to Nonni's to see her Christmas decorations and hear the Cjristmas story. (This may or may not have ended in the actual reading of said story)

Dec. 9- Bake cookies and write Christmas cards to share with neighbors.

Dec. 10- Go on a Christmas scavenger hunt. (Reward for finding all of the items being a Christmas doughnut)

Dec. 11- Make red and green play dough. 

Dec. 12- Go to the Fletcher Christmas parade.

Dec. 13- Go to the $1 store to shop for gifts for each other. (This one has been my favorite! Seeing them shop for each other and then wrap their own gifts was hilarious/adorable!)

Dec. 14- Decorate a Christmas tree craft. (Lesson learned on this one. Glitter is awful! They loved it, right up until Sullivan got glitter ALL over everyone/everything anywhere near the table!)

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