September 26, 2011

7 (seven!) months

I'm not sure why, but for some reason seven sounds a whole lot bigger than six when talking about how many months Porter is. Right before my eyes, he has changed from a tiny, sleepy newborn to an active, curious baby. I'm beginning to have a whole new respect for the term 'seasons of life'. Exersaucers, baby food, and teething toys sure are a different world than what was normal six months ago. It seems like he's learning new things everytime I turn around and definitely likes to make his feelings known!
At seven months, you:
~Are a momma's boy 100%
~LOVE to eat! Favorite foods- peas, bananas, and sweet potatoes
~Love to 'touch' books and toys and seem to understand when I tell you to 'touch' something
~Weigh 16 lbs. 14 oz.
~Are about 27 inches long
~Hate not being able to see someone (i.e.- carseat, naptime :)
~Want to be moving at all times. There is no sitting for whoever is holding you
~Are great at rolling over, but no interest in tummy time, crawling, or anything of the sort
~Don't have any teeth yet (I swear you've been teething for 3 months!)
~Love bathtime and snuggling before you sleep

We love you so much sweet boy!
Love, Mommy and Daddy

September 25, 2011

First cold and start of fall

Our little guy had his first cold this week and I discovered one thing about myself...I don't handle sicknesses well with Porter. I know, I know, it's just a cold! He felt horrible (fever, congestion, the whole nine yards) and of course we were immediately at the pediatrician. I didn't think I'd be that paranoid mom...I was wrong. He's on day #3 and officially on the up-side of things. He's finally starting to get some of his personality back, horray!

On a happier note, Fall started this week and I LOVE all things Fall. I can't wait to take Porter to his first pumpkin patch, let him try pumpkin, crunch some leaves! Ahh, so many fun things to look forward to. Fall sugar cookies are by far a favorite and I think he'll be a little too young to partake in those this year, but he can watch. Until we can take pumpkin patch pictures, we had a make shift fall photo session (oh the things we subject this poor child to)...

"Hey, this is kind of fun"

"Mommy, look I found this orange thing"

"And I'm done, NOW!"

September 12, 2011

Toes, anyone?

So, I am fully aware that all babies go through the phase of eating their toes when they find them. However, it cracks me up to look down and see my son snacking on his toes! I promise I DO feed this kid!

September 6, 2011

The wonderful world of high chairs...

I have looked for weeks trying to find the perfect high chair for Porter. It's a big decision after all (Yes, I am a first time mom, how did you know?). They were too all to high or didn't have wheels or the colors were too girly or they were too boy-ish (I'd really rather not have to high chair shop again should Porter have a little sister) or they didn't recline... on and on and on. I think Sean was a slight bit tired of hearing about high chair features. So the decision was finally made and our little guy seemed quite pleased with the outcome...

He wasn't a fan initially...

But ended up loving it! And, might I add how big he looks in it!

(Thanks Mammi and Poppop, I love my new chair. Love, Porter)