September 25, 2011

First cold and start of fall

Our little guy had his first cold this week and I discovered one thing about myself...I don't handle sicknesses well with Porter. I know, I know, it's just a cold! He felt horrible (fever, congestion, the whole nine yards) and of course we were immediately at the pediatrician. I didn't think I'd be that paranoid mom...I was wrong. He's on day #3 and officially on the up-side of things. He's finally starting to get some of his personality back, horray!

On a happier note, Fall started this week and I LOVE all things Fall. I can't wait to take Porter to his first pumpkin patch, let him try pumpkin, crunch some leaves! Ahh, so many fun things to look forward to. Fall sugar cookies are by far a favorite and I think he'll be a little too young to partake in those this year, but he can watch. Until we can take pumpkin patch pictures, we had a make shift fall photo session (oh the things we subject this poor child to)...

"Hey, this is kind of fun"

"Mommy, look I found this orange thing"

"And I'm done, NOW!"

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