September 26, 2011

7 (seven!) months

I'm not sure why, but for some reason seven sounds a whole lot bigger than six when talking about how many months Porter is. Right before my eyes, he has changed from a tiny, sleepy newborn to an active, curious baby. I'm beginning to have a whole new respect for the term 'seasons of life'. Exersaucers, baby food, and teething toys sure are a different world than what was normal six months ago. It seems like he's learning new things everytime I turn around and definitely likes to make his feelings known!
At seven months, you:
~Are a momma's boy 100%
~LOVE to eat! Favorite foods- peas, bananas, and sweet potatoes
~Love to 'touch' books and toys and seem to understand when I tell you to 'touch' something
~Weigh 16 lbs. 14 oz.
~Are about 27 inches long
~Hate not being able to see someone (i.e.- carseat, naptime :)
~Want to be moving at all times. There is no sitting for whoever is holding you
~Are great at rolling over, but no interest in tummy time, crawling, or anything of the sort
~Don't have any teeth yet (I swear you've been teething for 3 months!)
~Love bathtime and snuggling before you sleep

We love you so much sweet boy!
Love, Mommy and Daddy

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