May 20, 2012

ALL Boy!

I've always been amazed with watching how young children seem to instinctually pick up on certain gender 'appropriate' (for lack of a better word, pregnancy brain!) behaviors and our little one is no exception. Within in the past few weeks, his ALL boy personality is starting to show more and more and I think it's so fun to watch! Even in his playroom, this kid always has either a truck or a ball in each hand, without exception!

Yesterday, we went to a birthday party for his 2 year-old cousin, Olivia, and while all the sweet girls were sitting so nicely playing with chalk on the sidewalk, my child insisted on eating the chalk and hitting anyone who walked remotely near him with that same chalk. (Ok, so maybe not my proudest mommy moment, yikes!)

Today, we decided a picnic at the park would be perfect. And it was! However, rather than letting mommy blow the bubbles and Porter chasing the bubbles, this little adventurer needed to walk around the playground with the bubble stick in hand hitting each and every surface of the play place. Thankfully, the toddler play place was in a separate gate from the rest of the park. (I did wonder whether that was for the protection of us or everyone else at the park!)

And as I type, he is sitting beside me having a snack. Only before he eats each goldfish cracker, he has to smash it with his transformer toy thingy (alright, alright I haven't done my research on big boy toys yet. I thought the days of action figures would be later down the road!) and then eat the crumbs in hand fulls. Sigh.

This kid sure is keeping us on our toes lately, but I can honestly say that I wouldn't change one tiny aspect of his personality! (Is this him begging for a little brother?!)

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