May 11, 2012

Alligator boy

After nearly making it to his first birthday without a single pearly white, this boy has become a teething machine, no really! His first tooth cut through at 11.5 months and the second one followed about a week behind. Well after the second day of feeling like a human teething toy, I finally held him down (yes, that's about as fun as it sounds. How is this kid impossibly strong already?!) and sure enough, my little alligator has two FOUR top teeth cutting through at the SAME.TIME.YIKES! At least I can rest assured now knowing that the whiney, clingy, needy child that has been visiting our house this past week hopefully won't be staying for long! At this new rate of 1 tooth per week, we might be buying stock in Tylenol and Baby Orajel! Any volunteers to babysit? ;)

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