July 24, 2012

Porter/Daddy day

So while I was gone for my 'Fun Friday Out', here's what happened...

{Just for the record, he's not allowed on the couch because he doesn't understand that walking off the edge is not exactly safe. Daddy!}

{Again, for the record, the dogs are not frequent visitors of the playroom so this was a special treat. Good cop, anyone?}

{This boy and his daddy have one of the sweetest relationships I've ever had the privilege of watching. They melt my heart!}

{If you're thinking that this face means something bad is about to happen, you're exactly right!}

I couldn't be more thankful for these 2 handsome men that I get to share my life with! 

July 23, 2012

Fantastic Friday

Thanks to my wonderful, sweet husband, last Friday was probably the BEST Friday that ever existed! Not kidding!!! I had been banking some gift cards that he had given me for Christmas and Mother's Day and he was sweet enough to take a half day from work to play with our little guy so I could go enjoy both of them {yes, all in ONE day. amazing doesn't even cut it!} My afternoon consisted of a bagel sandwich from Bruegger's Bagels {gourmet? not so much. but hands down, my favorite lunch EVER} followed directly by a prenatal massage from Bellies and Babies, which was nothing short of miraculous. It was the first day in months (no joke!) that my hips and back have not hurt! If you know a pregnant mama that needs some pampering, it's the place to go! Then on my way to an afternoon manicure/pedicure, a Starbucks just happened to jump in my way ;) {ok, just so you don't think my afternoon was absent of imperfections, you should know that the polite lady sitting beside me in the pedicure chairs thought it would be a nice time to have a 30 minute chat with her bff about their recent late night affairs. Wow! And as if that weren't bad enough, at 10 after 5:00, she remembered that her dog's daycare had closed and she needed to go pick him up. So the rest of her time at the nail spa was spent with her obnoxious poodle barking its head off in her lap. Yes, seriously!} Anyways, it wasn't enough to ruin my amazing afternoon. My pink fingernails and I came home relaxed, refreshed and ready for some baby boy/daddy snuggles. I'm so thankful for a husband that's willing to so sweetly pamper his pregnant wife even after a long week of work himself, thanks honey! Porter, Savannah, and I sure are lucky to have a man like you!

July 19, 2012

25 weeks and counting

Our little Savannah is growing right along and was 25 weeks old yesterday. I can't believe we have less than 14 weeks until we meet our daughter. {With gestational diabetes, they will induce no later than 39 weeks again.} Yes, saying that we have a daughter is still a little strange. We've had a year and a half to get used to seeing blue things, toy cars, balls, and blocks around the house, but the bows and dolls haven't quite set in yet. Don't get me wrong, she has her fair share of bows already ;) I love having some quiet moments to sit and daydream about things I can't wait to do with my little girl and moments I can't wait to share with her, but nothing takes the place of seeing that sweet little face for the first time. I can't wait! Well, I can, but still. She is so extremely active (even more than her brother at this stage, should I be worried?!) and loves wiggling around in my belly. Sean can feel her really well now too, which is SO sweet! Even though my weight gain has been very controlled (gestational diabetes diet), I still seem to be getting quite large, quite fast!

some updates...

Nursery progress- crib- bought and brought home, not set up yet. dresser- same. paint color- chosen and bought, not on the walls yet. rocker- on its way from Porter's room. He's going to be getting a new one borrowed from Mimi. Lamp, crib bedding, curtains, wall pictures- chosen, but not bought. Still a lot to do, but still hopefully quite a bit of time :)

Cravings- anything with oatmeal. Strange, I know. Oatmeal cookies, raspberry oatmeal bars, etc. If it has oatmeal, I want it! And donuts :( Maybe only because I can't have them, but donuts have NEVER looked so good! {14 more weeks and I'll have my fair share of donuts, only for a few days though ;)}

Aches and pains- check! My back and feet aches didn't start in my pregnancy with Porter until about 32ish weeks. This little girl is making sure she has plenty of room in there! My back and hips frequently remind me that they are being stretched and aren't happy about it! {yes, my dear husband thought it would be a good idea to let me know yesterday that he can tell my hips must be getting wider to make room for delivery. Really?! Let's just say, I don't think he'll make any comments to that effect any time soon!} Other than those, I'm feeling good. The nausea has gone away- thank goodness! And the once severe/frequent headaches are seeming to subside now, phew! If we could get an energy boost around 2:00/3:00 pm everyday, I'd be good to go, lol.

What I'm thankful for- 2 healthy, growing children! Laying in bed at night and feeling our little girl move. Watching our little boy playing with big boy toys and learning to do things independently. Seeing him be so big makes my mama heart sad, but I sure am proud of him! Having a husband that sweetly listens to my achey complaints often and rubs my back whenever I need it, thanks honey! He sure makes for one sweet daddy to our babies :)

July 18, 2012

Week's Favorites

Our camera phones end up capturing some of the most random {and yet, most adorable} pictures ever! These are some of my favorites from the past week...  

This sleeping face melts.my.heart!

"Mommy, I'll take this one please." {Btw- he's NEVER getting a cat!!!}

Our boy loves {and I mean LOVES} to do ANYTHING his daddy does!

Daddy's helper :)

And in other news... Bedtime stories are a favorite around here! We always read him stories out of his kids' Bible, but I thought I'd add in another story too. {Secretly because it's truly my favorite time of the day because I get to have a freshly bathed-a.k.a. NOT ketchup covered- boy holding his blanket and snuggling with mama. Who wouldn't want to stretch that time?!} And so tonight, we thought we'd try "I Love you Forever". It's a super sweet book about mamas and their boys. If you  haven't read it, stop by a bookstore asap. But be warned, you WILL need to take tissues with you! I made it through 3 pages and Sean made it through 1. Needless to say, we turned this story into a chapter book and it might take a couple nights to finish :)

July 15, 2012

Kitchen Helper

Food always tastes a little sweeter when you've got a kitchen helper like this one...

July 10, 2012

It's DONE!

So back around January(!), I told you we were starting on a bathroom remodel. Well, we started. And then we stopped. And then we started. And then we had a first birthday party, a couple baby showers, lots of out of town company, a vacation, a tax season, a rough first trimester of pregnancy, and 6 months later, here we are. However, the most important part of all that...it's DONE!!! I can now enjoy {strange choice of words?!} my 17,000,000 bathroom trips a day DOWNstairs, horray! I was a little leery of the process when taking down wallpaper turned into tearing down and replacing drywall, but my handy dandy husband has done a wonderful job and I'm so proud of him! Remember this old guy...

Well, now it looks a little more like this...

This was our first remodel project together and I'm SO thankful for a husband that's willing to learn to do things himself and not afraid of a little hard work ;) Thanks honey! Next up...Savannah's room!!!

July 6, 2012

Like mother, like son

In looking at our pictures taken over the last few weeks, I have noticed something. Our little boy is just like his mama...he loves to eat! {Ok, to put this into perspective...I plan our trips around where we can stop to eat. I plan my week around when we'll go to the grocery store. I choose our vacation destinations around where some of our favorite restaurants are. Sad? Maybe. Oh well, secret's out!} Anyways, Porter has apparently inherited this trait of his mama's! This kid wakes up hungry and eats all.day.long! So since his approximately 11 hours of awake time each day revolve around meal and snack times, it's hard to find a picture that doesn't have a messy face and/or tray full of food. At least we know the way to his heart ;)

His dinner was followed by an Oreo, which he just hated :)

First snack at the 'big boy table'. Yes, this was a teary moment for this slightly sentimental mama!

The best way to eat black beans is, of course, with your hands. You didn't know? You've been missing out!

July 2, 2012

Weekend bliss

When I decided to become a stay at home mom, I wasn't sure if I would still look forward to the weekends as much as I did when I was teaching. I mean, if playtime is everyday for Porter and I, would the weekends be all that different? Well, yes! Having daddy at home after him working so hard all week makes for one happy mama and baby! The only downfall...daddy at home is just so exciting that Porter can't seem to want to take a nap :) And boy does that change things! Either way, we sure did enjoy our weekend of playtime with daddy. And it was our first weekend at home in quite a while (literally, we were gone every weekend in June, yikes!) which made it even sweeter. Being on the road makes the simplicity of home that much greater! When we first got married, I loved planning road trips and weekend outings. Becoming a mom has made me quite the homebody, which I even find funny! And hey, being at home leaves more time for moments like these...

In all of our weekend fun, we did make time for one exciting outing...the ice cream store. (All Porter's idea, I promise!) If you live near Charlotte and haven't been to the Cabarrus Creamery then all I can say is you're missing out! They make all of their own ice cream and amazing doesn't even begin to cut it! They have lots of unique flavors and I tasted one that I am certain will be in Heaven! Yes, it's that good! Moon pie ice cream!!! Wow! I don't even love moon pies, but Sean does so I thought I'd try it too. Umm, there may or may not be some in our freezer right now ;) I've never bought and brought home ice cream from an ice cream shop because it's usually a lot more expensive, but this ice cream was worth making an exception! Yumm! I'd say you could come over and have a sample, but I can't promise that there will be any left for long. Yes, ice cream is a safe gestational diabetes bedtime snack, I promise! I'd love to say I haven't started looking forward to my bedtime snack for tonight already (yes, it is 10 am) but that might be a small fib ;) Anyways, get yourself to that ice cream store asap {and you could probably tell them that the pregnant lady that was in yesterday and sampled almost all 25+ flavors sent you, don't judge, I'm growing a busy little girl!} and have a marvelous Monday!