July 19, 2012

25 weeks and counting

Our little Savannah is growing right along and was 25 weeks old yesterday. I can't believe we have less than 14 weeks until we meet our daughter. {With gestational diabetes, they will induce no later than 39 weeks again.} Yes, saying that we have a daughter is still a little strange. We've had a year and a half to get used to seeing blue things, toy cars, balls, and blocks around the house, but the bows and dolls haven't quite set in yet. Don't get me wrong, she has her fair share of bows already ;) I love having some quiet moments to sit and daydream about things I can't wait to do with my little girl and moments I can't wait to share with her, but nothing takes the place of seeing that sweet little face for the first time. I can't wait! Well, I can, but still. She is so extremely active (even more than her brother at this stage, should I be worried?!) and loves wiggling around in my belly. Sean can feel her really well now too, which is SO sweet! Even though my weight gain has been very controlled (gestational diabetes diet), I still seem to be getting quite large, quite fast!

some updates...

Nursery progress- crib- bought and brought home, not set up yet. dresser- same. paint color- chosen and bought, not on the walls yet. rocker- on its way from Porter's room. He's going to be getting a new one borrowed from Mimi. Lamp, crib bedding, curtains, wall pictures- chosen, but not bought. Still a lot to do, but still hopefully quite a bit of time :)

Cravings- anything with oatmeal. Strange, I know. Oatmeal cookies, raspberry oatmeal bars, etc. If it has oatmeal, I want it! And donuts :( Maybe only because I can't have them, but donuts have NEVER looked so good! {14 more weeks and I'll have my fair share of donuts, only for a few days though ;)}

Aches and pains- check! My back and feet aches didn't start in my pregnancy with Porter until about 32ish weeks. This little girl is making sure she has plenty of room in there! My back and hips frequently remind me that they are being stretched and aren't happy about it! {yes, my dear husband thought it would be a good idea to let me know yesterday that he can tell my hips must be getting wider to make room for delivery. Really?! Let's just say, I don't think he'll make any comments to that effect any time soon!} Other than those, I'm feeling good. The nausea has gone away- thank goodness! And the once severe/frequent headaches are seeming to subside now, phew! If we could get an energy boost around 2:00/3:00 pm everyday, I'd be good to go, lol.

What I'm thankful for- 2 healthy, growing children! Laying in bed at night and feeling our little girl move. Watching our little boy playing with big boy toys and learning to do things independently. Seeing him be so big makes my mama heart sad, but I sure am proud of him! Having a husband that sweetly listens to my achey complaints often and rubs my back whenever I need it, thanks honey! He sure makes for one sweet daddy to our babies :)

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