July 6, 2012

Like mother, like son

In looking at our pictures taken over the last few weeks, I have noticed something. Our little boy is just like his mama...he loves to eat! {Ok, to put this into perspective...I plan our trips around where we can stop to eat. I plan my week around when we'll go to the grocery store. I choose our vacation destinations around where some of our favorite restaurants are. Sad? Maybe. Oh well, secret's out!} Anyways, Porter has apparently inherited this trait of his mama's! This kid wakes up hungry and eats all.day.long! So since his approximately 11 hours of awake time each day revolve around meal and snack times, it's hard to find a picture that doesn't have a messy face and/or tray full of food. At least we know the way to his heart ;)

His dinner was followed by an Oreo, which he just hated :)

First snack at the 'big boy table'. Yes, this was a teary moment for this slightly sentimental mama!

The best way to eat black beans is, of course, with your hands. You didn't know? You've been missing out!

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