December 2, 2012

Happy 1 month baby girl

Somehow the first month of our tiny girl's life has already flown by. So many exciting, new things have happened in this last month so it's hard to know where to start with the recaps. This little angel has come into our lives and fit in so beautifully that life before her feels like a distant memory. She and Porter are already the best of friends and their relationship is just the sweetest thing! He adores her beyond belief and she is highly amused by all of his antics already. (side note: this kid is quickly learning to sleep through anything and everything. Quite a useful skill when you have a big brother that thinks the louder something is, the better!) She is just the sweetest, most precious, angelic little girl I could have possibly imagined. I truly believe that the Lord fashioned every part of her sweet little personality to fit into our family just perfectly. If you haven't gotten the picture yet, all 3 of us are quite smitten with her ;)

Savannah Joy, at 1 month you...
~are super close to sleeping through the night. You go to bed around 10:00, wake up about 4:30ish for around 45 minutes, and sleep until 7:00. (I think you're trying to convince Daddy that #3 is feasible ;)
~still sleep the majority of the day. Your 2 long awake periods are in the morning and right before bedtime. You stay awake for about 2 hours both of those times.
~seem to be able to sleep through just about anything, which is amazing because keeping your big brother quite is no easy task! (You even slept through your own baby dedication and first church service this morning, which was not exactly quiet!)
~have been nicknamed quite a few (some a little more interesting than others) names by your loving brother: baby girl, baby sissy, baby, my baby, anna, and our personal favorite... cookie. Yes, he calls her cookie. Only every now and then, but it's quite hilarious!
~are a champ at going back and forth between nursing and taking pumped milk from bottles, which makes feeding you on the go (as in chasing your brother around the house) much easier! When you have bottles, you take about 4 oz. You eat every 3 hours (almost on the dot!) during the day and can go quite a bit longer at night.
~still love sleeping in the Nap Nanny! I think the elevation makes you feel more cozy. We take that thing into whatever room we're in because you love it so much. (The only time you've gotten upset in it was when Porter tried to get in it and go night night with you. Don't worry, I saved you!) You even sleep in it at night, hey whatever works!
~love, love, love to snuggle. You fall asleep almost instantly when mommy or daddy snuggle you close to us after you've just eaten. (And you'd better believe I'm soakin' up every one of those snuggles before you outgrow the snuggly, still phase!)
~have a love/hate relationship with your paci. Sometimes you absolutely cannot fall asleep without it and other times you act like it's choking you to death. (Yes, I do believe we have a bit of a drama queen on our hands!)
~have rightfully earned your middle name. You are such a joyful, sweet baby girl! You are proving to be quite a bit less challenging than your brother at this stage. (Anyone who tried to ride in the car with us for the first 11 months of Porter's life would attest to this truth. Don't get me wrong, we love our boy to pieces, I'm just sayin'...) You have brought so much joy and happiness to our family already!
~are loved more than you could possibly ever realize! We have no doubt that you were fearfully and wonderfully made just for our little family. Daddy and I thank God for you and your brother every single day!

Happy 1 month birthday sweet Savannah Joy!

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