December 28, 2012

Merry Christmas!

This was our first Christmas with 2 children and we made some great memories and traditions that I hope will continue for many, many years. I am all about traditions and holidays, so this time of year is amazing! Some of the traditions we have started so far with our kids are...
~a pizza Happy Birthday Jesus party on Christmas Eve. What a fun way to teach our kids the true meaning of Christmas and take some of the emphasis off of presents. And any excuse to eat pizza and cake in the playroom is a winner ;)
~Daddy reading the Christmas story to the family on Christmas Eve, after our birthday party.
~opening one gift on Christmas Eve. Last year- pajamas, this year- board book Christmas story.
~Christmas morning biscuits. Nana's recipe, cut out with Christmas cookie cutters. Porter even ate one! (food has been quite a battle around here lately, so that was a definite success)
(singing Happy Birthday to Jesus)

(opening his Christmas Eve gift)

(Christmas Eve. Freshly bathed, snuggly babies)

(Listening to the Christmas story)

(Christmas morning biscuits)
Christmas morning was extra special because we were able to spend time with both kids one at a time. Savannah woke up at 6:30 ready to see what Santa brought her (and hoping it was milk ;) so we were able to feed her and snuggle her before putting her back down for a nap.
Porter slept until closer to 8:30 (which was driving me crazy...of all mornings to sleep in?! I was dying to play with him!) and got up (not as happily as his sister, I might add) ready for breakfast before he would even think about opening presents. He walked right by his presents on his way to the kitchen.
After some delicious breakfast, he was ready to go! He didn't get quite as into opening presents as I thought he would this year. He was FAR more worried in stacking the presents in size order (teacher's child, anyone?) and putting the wrapping paper back into his stocking as he opened things...
He did find a favorite present though, and I think he had a great morning. Being able to spend Christmas morning at home with our babies is something I'll never take for granted. Each holiday will be special in its own way, but this is one for the books!

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