One thing people neglect to tell you the full truth about is how coveted sleep becomes. And how it has this sneaky way of ruling every part of your day. Your morning's productivity is determined by how much sleep you got the night before and how uninterrupted it was. Your afternoon revolves around what errands/chores you can get done before nap times. You spend their nap times tip toeing around for fear of disrupting the sleeping angels' oh-so-important naps. Your afternoon activities are usually determined by the moods they woke up from said naps in. Then the evenings are spent trying to get dinner, bath time, and some family time in before bedtime. I never thought I would obsess so much over sleep, but its quite inevitable and the less of it that occurs, the more you obsess over it. Funny cycle, that sleep is. As a mom of two little ones, I'll accept sleep anywhere and any way they choose to partake, and boy oh boy are sleeping children precious!
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