May 9, 2013

Watch Savannah grow

Since we have missed a few of Savannah's monthly pictures on the blog, here goes a recap... 

Watching our sweet baby girl grow for 6 months has been an amazingly sweet journey. This little girl has a mind of her own and is not at all shy about hiding her feelings. The word opinionated comes to mind! At her last check up she was 15 lbs 2 oz and 26 inches long. She is in the 50th percentile for weight an head circumference and 75th percentile for height. I guess our little peanut is not as tiny as we thought :) she is now rolling both ways, waving, saying "mama", making lots of noises, doing much better in the car, taking 3 naps per day independently, having 4 bottles per day, sleeping from 8:00-7:00 consistently, and has expanded her diet to now include over ten fruits and vegetables. Everyone told us the second one would grow up even more quickly and so far they have been very right! We love you sweet Savannah and can't wait to watch you for many more months!

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