March 5, 2014

Cowboy party

This weekend, we celebrated our favorite 3 year old's birthday with the party of his choice...cowboys and horses. It was a blast. We did hot dogs, chili and cake. Some bandanas and sherrif badges for decoration made up the decor. It was super simple and lots of fun! I love doing parties, but I'm learning through experience that there's a lot to be said for simplicity! I knew we made the right choices when we still had time for church, lunch and naps before the party even started. I snapped some quick pictures of the decorations before the party started, but Emma got most of the pictures on her camera. I'll add some to update the blog when I get them. These will have to suffice for now... 

This was my first time attempting decorating my own cake, as opposed to cupcakes and I was very pleased with the result :)

Happy birthday cowboy Porter! 

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