June 11, 2014

Weekend with Friends

Two weekends ago, we went to Fort Mill to spend the weekend with our best friends, Becca, Jeremy and Skylar in their new house. We had so much fun! It's not often in life that you come across those type of friends that you can just be comfortable with, everyone gets along well, you share such fun memories from years past (college, before kids, etc.) and everyone just has a good time. I think if you are lucky enough to have even one set of friends like that, you're pretty lucky! The kids had so much fun playing together inside and outside. We went to get ice cream and everyone was kind enough to give into this pregnant mama's craving for Mexican food for lunch, yumm! Becca and I are both pregnant and 13 weeks apart, which means later this year our group of 3 kids will turn into 5. We will officially be outnumbered!! I wish I had gotten more pics from the weekend, but I guess we were too busy having fun :)

One day they'll hate us for this...

And yes, it took a side of sour cream to keep Savannah occupied at the restaurant. This girl! 

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