September 22, 2014

Sullivan Grant Mitchell

Last Tuesday, September 16th, I woke up to the quite unexpected feeling of my water breaking at 7:00 am. I stood up to get in the shower and surprise!! Sean called our moms to head over and the dr to let her know we were on our way. We got the big kids up and dressed and started their breakfast. We both showered and gathered our last minute items. Everything was still surprisingly calm, mostly because my contractions had not started yet. We arrived at the hospital at 9:15 am to check in and find out that I had not begun dialating at all yet. At 10:30 am, the nurse started a small dose of pitocin in my IV. By 11:00, contractions were coming about 5 minutes apart. By 1:30, they were 2 minutes apart and it was time for an epidural. At 2:00, I got the epidural and was 3 cm dialated. I labored in bed and by 4:00 pm, I was 4-5 cm. I was a little discouraged at the pace of my progress, but they assured me it would speed up. They were right! From 4:00-4:50 pm, I went from 5 cm-10 cm, whoa!!! Quite a shock. I instantly felt an intense mix of emotions to hear it was time to push. I was already so tired and knew how hard this would be, or I thought I did. I began pushing at 5:20 pm, only to find out shortly afterwards that baby was posterior and unless I was an excellent pusher, baby would be born via c-section. I was determined I would not let this happen, if I could help it. I began praying for strength that I didn't have to bring this baby into the world. Through a lot of pain, some extremely awkward positions and 1 hour 40 minutes of pushing, we finally met our baby at 6:55 pm. It's a boy!! The dr let us look first and make the announcement. I was overwhelmed with the blessing of another son. After months of waiting and trying to guess his gender, our son was here. 

Sullivan Grant Mitchell entered the world weighing 8 lbs 3 oz, 20.5 inches long. He wins as the largest baby in our family. He is an angel and everyone around here is quite smitten, but more to come on that. 

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