February 21, 2011

4 more days...maybe :)

The support and prayers from family and friends have definitely been felt at the Mitchell house lately! I am so thankful to be able to share a great report from the dr today. They measured Porter again today with an ultrasound and he isn't quite as large as they have been predicting. His head and abdomen/shoulders all measure around 39 weeks 1 day, which is only a couple days ahead of where he should be. This is such a praise for us because there was such a large discrepancy last time that it was going to cause Porter to need to be born via csection to avoid the risk of him possibly getting stuck. His weight today was estimated at 7 lbs 13 oz, which is much smaller than they had been predicting all along. Apparantely what happened was he had gone through a massive growth spurt right before he was measured last time and has since evened out somewhat. He decided to show us his sweet (and quite chubby!) face today during his ultrasound (pictures to come later, they need to be scanned). I can't wait to see what he looks like in person, but right now he still looks very much like his daddy.

Another measure of whether or not I would be able to deliver him or he would need to be a csection was whether my labor started and progressed on its own. Another praise- today I was 3 cm dialated and 80% effaced, which is quite a bit of progress since Friday's check. The dr said she predicted that he was well on his way and would probably come on his own before needing to be induced on Friday, but that's just a guess. Either way, he'll be here by Friday at the latest! What a blessing this day has been- now to anxiously await the arrival of our sweet baby boy!

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