February 18, 2011

Porter's Latest Update...

Today was my 38 week appt. and I was hoping for some different news but trusting that the Lord has a plan for bringing our baby boy into the world in His timing. The dr. said still 1 cm but 50% effaced and Porter's head has dropped down. She was a bit concerned that his size is still continuing to be a little too disproportionate possibly due to my gestational diabetes. His head at last measure (36 weeks) was in the 72% while his abdomen was in the 92%. Her concern with me delivering him is that his head would be able to come out and then his shoulders/abdomen could get stuck, which would be a bad situation for both of us. The plan right now is to measure him again (via ultrasound) on Monday (2-21) and see how he is measuring overall at that point. She will make a decision then whether to induce labor on Friday (2-25) or schedule a C-Section sometime next week probably earlier than Friday to make sure I don't go into labor before then.

While I am very apprehensive about having/recovering from a C-Section, I definitely want what will be best for Porter and myself. My prayer right now is that Porter would continue to grow and be healthy, no matter how he decides to come out :) and that the Lord will give the dr. wisdom to know what the best decision is. Either way, in no more than 7 days we'll be meeting our little bundle of joy and I could not be more excited!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you Jenna - for wisdom for the doctor & peace for you both. Ultrasounds can definitely be off... they estimated L & C's weight wrong! ;) BUT - if you do have to have a c-section, it's really not that bad (& I was nervous too!)... at least that was my experience. So worth it for my boys. I'll give you some tips! :) Keep us posted... can't wait to meet Porter!
