February 24, 2011

The big day is almost here

So as much as I had hoped that our little Porter would come on his own before having to be induced, he seems to have other plans. Tomorrow we will go to the hospital at 7:00 am to begin my induction. I'm feeling quite an array of emotions as I have no idea what to expect having never done any of this before, yet unbelievably excited to finally meet our son! My prayers are that the induction is successful and goes quickly and that Porter gets here safe and sound. I can't quite picture what it will feel like to hold my son in my arms for the first time, but I can't wait to find out! We love this little boy beyond belief already and I can't believe it's only hours (hopefully!) until we will meet him. I've tried to talk Sean into staying up all night to try and walk him out, but he thinks sleep might be a better idea. Stay tuned, our next post will be to introduce our little bundle of joy! Any thoughts and prayers over the next couple days are greatly appreciated!

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