October 26, 2012

Growing up

Someone must have informed my tiny boy that he is about to take on the big brother role, because he sure is doing some grown up things lately...

...like going for walks on Daddy's shoulders

...and eating dinner at the table like a big kid

...and using a fork to feed himself.

I'm not so sure my mama heart was ready to see my tiny boy become a big boy over night, but here we are and I could not be more proud of all he is learning these days. Ok, maybe I should say most of what he is learning these days. Along with his new found freedom has come some acting out as well. Such things as holding his ears when we tell him no, taking his shirt off whenever he deems appropriate, and swiping things that he finds lying around (phones, glasses, food, etc.). I guess it's all par for the course, but there is no rest for the weary (aka very, very pregnant mama) around here. 

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