October 2, 2012

When only Daddy will do...

Yesterday morning started with me going to get Porter out of his bed after hearing him wake up. Only, he shook his head and said "No, Dada!". Okkk...so we went downstairs and got Dada. I tried to put him in his high chair for breakfast, but he only wanted to eat breakfast in Dada's lap. I tried to wipe his face off after eating...he only wanted Dada to do it. Seeing a trend?! Well what do you do on a day like that? Be thankful that you have a husband who's able to work from home for a day so that a little boy can have his Dada within reach ALL.DAY. Not kidding! My usually whole-heartedly Mama's boy wanted nothing to do with me. Ouch! Instead, he was Dada's sidekick. Sean sat on the couch, so did Porter. Sean got on the computer, so did Porter. Sean had a snack, so did Porter. Yes, that was our whole day :) While it was very sweet, we were beginning to wonder how we were going to explain to Sean's work that his office space needed to be turned into a playroom so that his tiniest intern could join him at work. Thankfully, mommy and Porter are friends again today and Daddy was able to go off to work. I'll forever remember this day as "The Day Daddy Was Forced to Work From Home"...

Oh yea, and not only did he have to SEE Dada, he also had to be able to TOUCH Dada. Poor Dada worked with Porter's foot in his lap for a few hours.

And when he moved to the desk, Porter moved faithfully close beside with (with his farm animals. Never go too far from home without your farm animals!)

And when Dada got done working and sat on the couch, so did Porter...

...but not without being able to touch him ;)
Porter, one day when you think you want to have nothing to do with mom or dad because you're way cooler than us...I'll remind you of this day ;)

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