October 10, 2012

One busy little boy!

Keeping this active little boy busy this week has kept me on my toes, for sure! We (along with Aunt Jesse, who's visiting for the week) have gone on all kinds of adventures...
we colored. a lot!

we turned the heat on before we FROZE! Even dinosaur was cold :)
 we practiced our counting on Mommy's new Kindle. SO cute!

we made fall cookies with Aunt Jesse

we decorated (umm, a.k.a. ate) those fall cookies

(Porter's creation)

we had a picnic in the park on the perfect fall day

and played at the park. Happy boy!

we (ok, Porter and Aunt Jesse. Mommy doesn't do all that much climbing these days, lol!) climbed up and down and over and under everything at the park that would stand still!

had such a fun day!

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