December 30, 2013

6 years and counting

Yesterday, my handsome groom and I celebrated our 6th anniversary. I knew when I married him that he was hard-working, loyal, loving, and would make a great dad someday. I had no idea just how true all those things would become. I fall more in love with him every year and love watching the way he loves our babies. I love being your wife, honey! I look forward to many more adventures and anniversaries together! 

Thanks to Nonni, Papa, and Auntie Em watching the babies, we were able to go have a whole day to ourselves. We just didn't hardly know what to do with ourselves and no children for that long! We had lunch at The Local Taco. A first for us, and we will definitely go back! We were able to go to the mall and actually shop. In grown up stores. You know, the kind without toys?! Crazy, I know!! And finished our day with dinner out to Barley's, our favorite downtown spot! Two childless meals in one day! I was beginning to look around for someone that needed to be fed, my newfound independence was baffling!! I can't even express how truly grateful I am to get to enjoy this beautiful life that our love has created, by The Lord's grace. Happy Anniversary babe! 

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