December 30, 2013

Christmas- in pictures

What a blessed, full Christmas we have had this year. I am so thankful for the blessing of having so much family nearby. We have celebrated several different times with different sets of family and the kids and us have had a blast! We have opened presents and eaten good food until we are ready to stop eating for a while! Porter has been hilarious about presents this year. This is the first year he has really gotten into gifts all that much. Once the gift opening started, he did not want to see it end! Our children are very blessed to have more clothes and toys than they will probably even know what to do with! I'll give an abbreviated recap of our Christmas events, for memory's sake. On the 14th- we went to Charlotte to celebrate with Becca, Jeremy, and Skylar. On the 15th- we met Marc, Stephanie, Emma, and Olivia in Charlotte and went to Chuck E Cheese and exchanged gifts. Monday, the 23rd- Dad, Debbie, Jesse, and Tim came over for dinner and to exchange gifts. Tuesday, the 24th- John, Rosalind, and Ciara came over for lunch and to exchange gifts. On Christmas Eve, we had a family date night to Chilis and to see the lights at the Ag Center. On Christmas morning, we opened gifts and had a special breakfast. Christmas night, Mom, Todd, Emma, Will, Jesse, Tim, Nana, and Grandaddy Frank came over for dinner, to celebrate Mom's birthday, and exchange gifts. This weekend, we celebrated at Nanas with extended family and will do the same next weekend in Knoxville at Mammaws. And that was the short version, whew!! Lots of fun, gifts, and food...and we are now ready for rest and salads ;) Now for the picture version...

(Ag Center lights)

(Reading the Christmas story)

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