December 4, 2013

Christmas Decorating

We definitely get into holidays around here and Christmas is by far the most exciting! After getting our tree on Saturday, we spent the evening decorating. Sean and I did most of the ornaments on the big tree, since most of them are breakable, and we couldn't wait to see the kids faces when they woke up!  They loved it! 

(Minus ornaments)

I guess Porter was in awe, because he said he needed to crawl. Silly boy!

We thought this would be a fun year to start Elf on a Shelf as a new tradition. We read the book with Porter before bed and explained that there would be an elf when he woke up. I think mom and dad got way more excited about Jimi the elf than Porter did. Jimi has not been a success so far :(

And since the kids didn't get to help that much with the decorating and they also have their own ornaments, we decided to let them decorate their own tree. They loved it!

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