October 29, 2014

Birthday Eve

Savannah Joy, 

My darling, beautiful baby girl, you have no idea how much you light up my world. Tonight as I watched you dance around in your Santa jammies and pumpkin socks, I was in awe of the effect you have on this family. You make all of us smile in a way like no one else does. As I brushed your teeth with your pink sparkley mermaid toothbrush, I was so glad that you're such a girly-girl. As I held you in my lap and told you the story of the day you came into this world, my tear-filled eyes relished in your beautiful, blonde, wavy hair, huge, sparkley blue eyes, and round, sweet face. As I prayed over you, I prayed that The Lord would guide me as I learn to mother you and give me wisdom to know when to discipline and when to laugh with you at your silly antics. I prayed that you would grow to know and love Christ. I prayed that you would be compassionate, kind, generous, thoughtful and have a servant's heart that would guide you to love and serve those around you. I also prayed for the man that you will one day marry, Lord willing. I pray that he will love you and cherish you and lead you to better serve The Lord on a daily basis. And as I kissed you good night and heard you say "love you too", my heart swelled and broke all at the same time. Swelled because you make me so proud and you surpass every dream I had when I dreamt about having a little girl. And broke because you are growing up so fast, right before my very eyes. You have changed from an infant to a baby and now to a fun-filled, happy toddler and while I wouldn't change a single thing about you, I can't seem to take it all in fast enough. You bless my life in ways you couldn't even understand, until you have babies of your own. You challenge me in ways you'll also only understand when you have babies of your own. I couldn't imagine any more perfect little girl. I love you to the moon and back sweet baby girl. Tomorrow you will be 2 and we will celebrate you all day long because you are indeed our princess! 

October 28, 2014

A Day at Nonni's

Since adding Sullivan to the family, we haven't traveled all that much besides the grocery store and other necessary places. But yesterday, we broke free! The kids and I ventured down to Nonni's house for the morning. We had so much fun! Porter got to "help" Nonni make a pumpkin pie to bring home to daddy. Both big kids enjoyed some fresh air and being able to run free outside. And I was able to sit and relax while snuggling with my smallest, sleeping babe without having the ongoing to-do list in my head. Quite therapeutic! 

Sullivan's first trip to Nonni's:

One must have extreme levels of patience to allow a hyper toddler in the kitchen to "help". Nonni was quite a trooper!

The kids love being outside at Nonni's. Porter calls it the forest :)

I think it's safe to say we have found our new "happy place"!

Pumpkin Carving

I always have and always will love every single holiday and enjoy every chance to do anything festive. So pumpkin carving isn't optional around here. A while back, we let the kids paint their pumpkins. (Side note: if you are going to put the painted pumpkins outside, don't use washable paint. Rain will wash it off. Oops!) Sean and I carved our pumpkins yesterday. It was probably the quickest we have ever carved pumpkins because with a baby time bomb that fusses at the same time every evening and dinner/bath times looming, there isn't much "spare" time. Either way, we still had fun. And once again, Porter and Savannah wanted nothing to do with the carving or the "guts". 

Our smiley helper 

Miss Priss stayed as far away as possible!

Cookies with Friends

Last week, our friends Becca, Jeremy and Skylar came for a visit. We always love our time with them and so badly miss being able to see them more often. The kids always have so much fun and we enjoy the time to chat and catch up. This time, they enjoyed making Halloween cookies, playing play dough, sharing pizza and playing. They are such sweet little buddies! We can't wait for baby Reece to join the group :)

October 26, 2014

Sullivan's Faces

Remember when I said Savannah was the girl of 1,000 faces? Well apparently she isn't the only one around here that is nothing short of expressive. These faces were all captured within about a minute...

Yes, he is doing what you think he is doing.

Savannah's Birthday Party

Yesterday, we celebrated our precious girls 2nd birthday. Her party was a few days early, so I'll save the 2 year old post for a few days. Plus, I'm not ready to refer to her as a 2 year-old yet. Her party was simple, but just enough to make our princess feel special. 

Theme: Hello Kitty
Food: pizza, chips/dip, cupcakes
Guests: Mommy, Daddy, Porter, Sullivan, Jesse, Nonni, Papa, Emma, Will, Parker, Mimi, Ciara, Nana, PopPop, Mammi, Mammaw, Pappaw

She wore all purple (her favorite color) and insisted on purple "sparky" nails.