October 10, 2014

Three weeks old

Baby Sullivan is already three weeks old. I can't believe it! He is such a sweet, snugly little bundle of joy! With the exception of times that he is overtired or gassy, he is an extremely happy, calm baby. He sleeps and eats so well! He goes down for the night around 11:00 and sleeps until 3:30 before waking up to eat and gets up for the day around 7:00 am. We aren't on much of a daytime routine yet, but that will come. He has been an amazing nurser from the beginning and thank The Lord, that has continued! I truly prayed many days during my pregnancy that this would be the case, so it's truly an answer to prayer! He currently weighs 9 lbs 1 oz and is 21.5 inches long. And since most of his time is still spent sleeping, that's what my pictures are...

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