October 26, 2014

Sullivan- 1 Month Old

People told me that the 3rd less child would be far less documented. Well I wouldn't say "far" less, but seeing as how this post is 10 days late, I'm definitely not as timely. Either way, here it is. Some things id like to remember about Sullivan Grant at 1 month old: 

He is not quite sleeping through the night, but is only up once. His one time is anywhere from 30 min-1 hr 30 min, so some nights are longer than others.

He starts out each night in the swing, but eventually ends up in our bed. For the record, this isn't our preference, but when you're desperate for sleep...

He still nurses very well and eats 7 times/day.

The car is NOT his happy place. We are currently avoiding it like the plague. It's rough!

He loves his big brother and sister as much as they love him. He smiles at them and almost always loves their kisses. 

He has the sweetest baby smiles I've ever seen!

He has two very fussy times most days. One in the morning and one in the evening. We haven't quite figured out why other than he is very tired and fighting sleep. I'm praying this will change soon. It's proving to be quite a challenge thus far! 

He is quickly filling out his 3 month clothes. He seems to be a big boy, so far. 

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