June 17, 2015

Sullivan at 9 months

Sweet baby Sullivan is now 9 whole months old. The last 9 months have been a bit of a roller coaster ride with him, but some things I'd like to remember are: 

-he can sit up, but still topples occasionally 
-he rolls around incredibly fast and seems to get wherever he wants to be by doing so
-he is raising up on his arms, but not crawling yet
-he will eat any fruit or vegetable I purée, but bread is most definitely his food of choice! 
-he is a mama's boy to the core 
-he is very apprehensive with strangers, but will still wave and smile 
-he takes 4 bottles each day
-he takes 2 2-3 hour naps during the day and sleeps 8-8 at night 
-he loves car rides now 
-he likes his paci, but doesn't seem as obsessed as the other 2 were 
-he does really well going out to eat or hanging out in his stroller 
-being in his stroller is the only way he stays in nursery on Sunday 
-he weighs 19 lbs 6 oz and is 29.5 inches long 
-he is saying "mama" and "bye"
-he can sign "more" and "eat", but only does them selectively 

(Porter and Savannah asked if they could "help" with Sullivan's pictures :)

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